2001 Deer Hunting Journal-

I'll try to keep a journal for the season here this year. If it goes well, this will become a regular thing. Who knows, if nothing else, it's something to look back at when the freezer is empty, the rains of winter fall, and cabin fever sets in hard.


I drew B-zone and G-1 tags for this season. This means I'll be able to hunt from 9/15 through 11/4.

9/14-9/16 Opening Weekend!





10/20-10/21 B-zone closer

10/27-10/28 G-1 Hunt Opener

11/03-11/04 G-1 Tehama Wildlife Management Area Hunt

10/20-10/21- B-zone closing weekend

Well, skunked for the B-zone this year. But at least no misses.

Saturday, 10/20-

Hiked up the creek again with Kat. We bumped one deer off the trail as we arrived, but didn't get a look.

Set her up near the "funnel", and I hiked up along the ridges looking for sign and good places to set up. Tons of sign, much of it fresh, but no good place to sit and hunt. I got into some really thick stuff which I'd bet is bedding area. Looks like a good place to concentrate next year, if Kokopelli Valley is too over-run.

Hunted all day, neither of us saw a thing. Unbelievable. I was sure Kat would see deer down near the creek crossing...at least the does and youngsters.

Just at dark, two yahoos came, practically running, up the creek. The got about even with Kat and she said something. Rather than quietly turning back or moving on, the two stood there talking until shoot time was nearly gone. We found them camped on the gravel bar, having driven their truck up the creek. I told them they were in violation of the law, and pretty much got a "So what?" from them. Is it any wonder I'm becoming a misanthrope?

Sunday, 10/21-

Still pissed about the two losers parked on the gravel bar. I know they went in there so they could snake us and be the first in place. I really hate competing for hunting spots. Ruins the whole experience. As a result, I decide not to go in. Sleep in, relax with a cup of coffee, and take a drive after lunch.

We hunt Kokopelli Valley in the evening. I see several boot prints, and some jerk has driven around the roadblock. At least he's gone before we get there. I find some fresh sign near one of the green spots, and we set up until dark watching and waiting. It's still a beautiful spot, but no deer move. Pack it up and head for home.

Still two weekends for the G-1 late season hunt, so I could still end up with venison in the box.


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